Thursday, April 27, 2017

528_Kingdom of Northshield_Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr_Amadon_2016

from the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr, Kingdom of Northshield

this picture taken at baronial fighting practice, October, 2016...Madison, WI
this picture used with kind permission of L. Schwalbe-Larson

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

527_Kingdom of Northshield_Barony of Jararvellir_Hrothgar Gar Grarulfr_2016

527_Hrothgar Gar Grarulfr
from the Barony of Jararvellir, Kingdom of Northshield

these pictures taken at fighter practice, October, 2016...Madison, WI

these pictures used with kind permission of L. Schwalbe-Larson

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

526_Kingdom of Northshield_Barony of Jararvellir_Alex_2016

from the Barony of Jararvellir, Kingdom of Northshield

this picture taken at baronial fighting practice, October, 2016...Madison, WI
this picture used with kind permission of L. Schwalbe-Larson

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

525_Kingdom of Northshield_Barony of Jararvellir_MAA Earna Hwit_2015

525_Man at Arms Earna Hwit
from the Barony of Jararvellir, Kingdom of Northshield

this picture taken at Boar's Head Tournament, December, 2015...West Bend, WI
this picture used with kind permission of A. Potts

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Monday, April 24, 2017

524_Kingdom of Northshield_Barony of Jaravellir_Seren_2015

from the Barony of Jaravellir, Kingdom of Northshield

this picture taken at Boar's Head Tournament, December, 2015...West Bend, WI
this picture used with kind permission of A. Potts

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

523_Kingdom of Northshield_Shire of Shattentor_MAA Thora Hrafnsteinn Ornolfsdottir_2016

523_Man at Arms Thora Hrafnsteinn Ornolfsdottir
from the Shire of Shattentor, Kingdom of Northshield

this picture taken at kingdom 12th Night Tournament, January, 2016...
this picture from S. Murphy photography

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

522_Kingdom of Gleann Abhann_Shire of Dragon's Wheel_Duke, Sir Brian MacBrand_2016

522_Duke, Sir Brian MacBrand...knighted 6 June-1992
from the Shire of Dragon's Wheel, Kingdom of Gleann Abhann

Per chevron inverted Sable and Gules, a compass star gules fimbriated and a cresent inverted Argent within a bordure countercompony Argent.

these pictures taken by me at Emprise of the Black Lion, August, 2016...Kent, WA this time Duke Brian was King of Gleann Abhann.

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

521_Kingdom of the Middle_Barony of the White Waters_Squire Sigenandus Blitz_2016

521_Squire Sigenandus Blitz
from the Barony of the White Waters, Kingdom of the Middle

this picture taken Midrealm Coronation Tournament, September, 2016...Peru, Indiana
this picture used with kind permission of  K. Joyce

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

520_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_Squire Cicero_2016

520_Squire Cicero
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

this picture taken at Great Western War, October, 2016...Taft, CA
this picture used with kind permission of D. Granander

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

519_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of the Angels_Blue Heimbach_2016

519_Blue Heimbach
from the Barony of the Angels, Kingdom of Caid

this picture taken at Great Western War, October, 2016...Taft, CA
this picture used with kind permission of D. Granander

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Friday, April 21, 2017

518_Kingdom of Meridies_Barony of Glaedenfeld_Sir Randver Brotamadr_2018/2016

518_Sir Randver Brotamadr...knighted 11 October, 2014
from the Barony of Glaedenfeld, Kingdom of Meridies

Azure, two poleaxes in saltire Or and on a base Argent a dragon dormant.

this picture taken at Great Western War, October, 2018...Taft, CA
this picture used with kind permission of A. Lightheart

these pictures taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA

these pictures used with kind permission of D. Ganander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

517_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_Squire Parmenio Bassarion_2016

517_Squire Parmenio Bassarion
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

Per bend Sable and Vert, a bend between a fox courant bendwise and a ball peen hammer bendwise Argent.

this picture taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA
this picture used with kind permission of D. Granander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

516_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_Joshua of Calafia_2018/2016

516_Joshua of Calafia
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

Vert, a wolf rampant Or and a bordure embattled Argent.

this picture taken at Brigade fighter practice, March, 2018...San Diego, CA
this picture used with kind permission of J. Jerew

these pictures taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA

these pictures used with kind permission of D. Granander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

515_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_Baron Guy Rand Gallandon_2016

515_Baron Guy Rand Gallandon
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

Gyronney, Sable and Or, on a sun Argent two swords in saltire Sable and a bordure Argent.

these pictures taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA

 these pictures used with kind permission of D. Granander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

514_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_Squire Mikhail Liutogneu_2016

514_Squire Mikhail Liutogneu
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

Per chevron Gules and Argent, a bear passant contourny Gules.

these pictures taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA
 this picture used with kind permission of D. Granander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

513_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_Baron Michael de Connacht_2016

513_Baron Michael de Connacht
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

these pictures taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA

these pictures used with kind permission of D. Granander

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

512_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_Caprea_2018/2016

from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

these pictures taken at Comic Con Demo, July, 2018...San Diego, CA

these pictures used with kind permission of D. Granander

these pictures taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA

these pictures used with kind permission of D. Grenander

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!  

511_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_Squire Duncan Rose_2016

511_Squire Duncan Rose
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

Azure, two swords in saltire between four mullets of four points Argent.

these pictures taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA

 these pictures used with kind permission of D. Granander

 this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!  

510_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_David Kinnaird MacAilean_2016

510_David Kinnaird MacAilean
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

Barry wavy Azure and Argent, a sea-dragon erect Or, its tail supporting a hammer bendwise Sable.

these pictures taken at the Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA

 these pictures used with kind permission of D. Granander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

509_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Glydenholt_Andreau Fayrfax_2016

509_Andreau Fayrfax
from the Barony of Glydenholt_Kingdom of Caid

Azure Ermined, in Pale a cloud Argent and an eagle displayed head to sinister Or.

these pictures taken at Leif Erikson Tournament, October, 2016...LaJolla, CA

 these pictures used with kind permission of D. Granander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

508_Kingdom of the Middle_Barony of Ayreton_Viscount, Sir Kith von Atzinger_2018/2016

508_Viscount, Sir Kith von Atzinger...knighted 21 June, 2016
from the Barony of Ayreton, Kingdom of the Middle

Azure, three St. Catherine wheels Gules on a bend sinister between a sun in splendor and a
fleur de lys, all Or.

this picture taken at Cynagua/Mists War, May, 2018...Red Bluff, CA this time Sir Kith was Prince of Cynagua.
this picture used with kind permission of G. Hughes

these pictures taken at Pennsic War, August, 2016...Slippery Rock, PA

 these pictures used with kind permission of S. Guildford

this image from the Middle Kingdom Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!