Saturday, April 25, 2020

1187 Kingdom of Meridies_Shire of Phoenix Glade_Squire Elisabez de Porta_2020

1187_Squire Elisabez de Porta
from the Shire of Phoenix Glade, Kingdom of Meridies

this picture taken at Light the Fires Tournament, January, 2020...Pensacola, FL
this picture used with kind permission of B. Herling

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

1186_Kingdom of Meridies_Shire of Arenal_Katrina of Barth_2020

1186_Katrina of Barth
from the Shire of Arenal, Kingdom of Meridies

these pictures taken at Light the Fires Tournament, January, 2020...Pensacola, FL

these pictures used with kind permission of B. Herling

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

1185_Kingdom of Meridies_Shire of Phoenix Glade_Squire Johan Crispen_2020

1185_Squire Johan Crispen
from the Shire of Phoenix Glade, Kingdom of Meridies

these pictures taken at Light the fires Tournament, January, 2020...Pensacola, FL
this picture used with kind permission of B. Herling

this picture used with kind permission of M. Ford

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

1184_Kingdom of Meridies_Barony of the Osprey_Kalbaldr Gyllir_2020

1184_Kalbaldr Gyllir
from the Barony of the Osprey, Kingdom of Meridies

this picture taken at Light the Fires Tournament, January, 2020...Pensacola, FL
this picture used with kind permission of B. Herling

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Friday, April 17, 2020

1183_Kingdom of Meridies_Shire of Phoenix Glade_Christopher Edwards of Leicester_2020

1183_Christopher Edwards of Leicester
from the Shire of Phoenix Glade, Kingdom of Meridies

Azure, within a cross nowy Or voided between four trowels inverted Argent, the ark of the covenant Or.

these pictures taken at Light the Fires Tournament, January, 2020...Pensacola, FL

these picturess used with kind permission of B. Herling

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

1182_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Dreiburgen_Squire Gehrig Reimundson_2020

1182_Squire Gehrig Reimundson
form the Barony of Dreiburgen, Kingdom of Caid

Vert, on a bend sinister Sable fimbriated between two serpents erect, tails nowed contourny Argent, three oak leaves Or..

this picture taken at Unbelted Tournament, January, 2020...Tustin, CA
this picture used with kind permission of D. Granander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

1181_Kingdom of An-Tir_Shire of Lionsdale_Wulfstan Hrafnsson OL_2017

1181_Wulfstan Hrafnsson OL
from the Shire of Lionsdale, Principality of Tir-Righ, Kingdom of An-Tir

Per chevron Azure and Argent, two wolf's heads erased respectant Argent and a harp reversed Vert.

this picture taken by me at Baroness's Inspiration Tourney, November, 2017...Vancouver, B.C.

this image from the Kingdom of An-Tir OP

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

1180_Kingdom of the West_Barony of Eskalya_Squire Alric Skegglauss_2020

1180_Squire Alric Skegglauss
from the Barony of Eskalya, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West

Per saltire Sable and Gules, in pale a wolf's head couped Argent and a dragon's head couped Or.

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, January, 2020...Wasilla, AK
 this picture used with kind permission of T.A.Thomas

this image from the Kingdom of the West Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

1179_Kingdom of the West_Barony of Eskalya_Squire Kollr Ulfsson_2020

1179_Squire Kollr Ulfsson
from the Barony of Eskalya, Principality of Oertha_Kingdom of the West

Quarterly Sable and Gules, a bear's paw print between three Thor's hammers Argent.

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, January, 2020...Wasilla, AK
this picture used with kind permission of T.A.Thomas

this image from the Kingdom of the West Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

1178_Kingdom of Calontir_Shire of Crescent Moon_Jarl Sir Rorik Galbraith_2015

1178_Jarl, Sir Rorik Galbraith...(knighted 24 August, 1991)
from the Shire of Crescent Moon, Kingdom of Calantir

Sable, a bear's head erased Argent, muzzled Gules between two swords in pile Argent within a bordure Argent, seme of lozenges Sable.

this picture taken at Cattle Raids Tournament, August, 2015, Weeping Water, Nebraska
this picture used with kind permission of V. Herschel

this image from the Kingdom of Calontir Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Friday, April 10, 2020

1177_Kingdom of Aethelmearc_Barony of Rhydderich Hael_Baron Sir Sextus Plinius Callidus_2013/2012

1177_Baron, Sir Sextus Plinius Callidus...(knighted 11 July, 1998)
from the Barony of Rhydderich Hael, Kingdom of Aethelmearc

Or, two feathers in cross Gules within a bordure checky Sable and Argent.

this picture taken at Brass Ring Thing Demo, June, 2013...Lockport, NY
 this picture used with kind permission of S. J. Herringshaw

this picture taken at Agincourt War, November, 2012...PA
this picture used with kind permission of S. J. Herringshaw

this image from the Kingdom of Aethelmearc Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

1176_Kingdom of Aethelmearc_Barony of Rhydderich Hael_Squire Bovi Davidsson_2017/2015

1176_Squire Bovi Davidsson
from the Barony of Rhydderich Hael, Kingdom of Aethelmearc

Vert, a fish hauriant embowed contourny and on a chief Or a pole-axe Sable.

'a departed friend'

this picture taken at Aedult Swim Regional fighter practice, February, 2017...Milton, PA
this picture used with kind permission of M. J. Matlock IV

this picture taken at Agincourt War, November, 2012...PA
this picture used with kind permission of S. J. Herrington

this image from the Kingdom of Aethelmearc Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

1175_Kingdom of Anteorra_Barony of Wiesenfeuer_Skjoldulfr Hildibjarnarson_2020

1175_Skjoldulfr Hildibjarnarson
from the Barony of Wiesenfeuer, Kingdom of Ansteorra

Sable, a wolf sejant between three valknuts Argent

these pictures taken at fighter practice, January, 2020...Moore, OK

these pictures used with kind permission of R. MacKay

this image from the Kingdom of Ansteorra Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

1174_Kingdom of Caid_Barony of Calafia_MAA Xiao-Bao_2019

1174_Man-at-Arms Xiao-Bao
from the Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid

this picture taken at Comic Con Demo, July, 2019...San Diego, CA
this picture used with kind permission of N. F. de Baracoa

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

1173_Kingdom of Caid_Canton of Summergate_Squire Cesar Alejandro de Baracoa_2019

1173_Squire Cesar Alejandro de Baracoa
from the Canton of Summergate, Kingdom of Caid

Sable, in saltire a fish skeleton and a scimitar inverted Argent, a bordure Argent seme of death's heads Gules

these pictures taken at Comic Con Demo, July, 2019...San Diego, CA

these pictures used with kind permission of D. Granander

this image from the Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

1172_Kingdom of Aethelmearc_Barony of Thescorre_Sir Dominic McMorland_2019/2017

1172_Sir Dominic McMorland...(knighted 30 September, 2017)
from the Barony of Thescorre, Kingdom of Aethelmearc

Vert, a lion rampant contourny sustaining a garb Or.

this picture taken at Kingdom of Aethelmearc Crown Tournament, October, 2019...Vernon, N.Y.
this picture used with kind permission of R. Westfall

this picture taken at Pennsic War, August, 2017...Slippery Rock, PA
this picture used with kind permission of K. Andrews

this image from the Kingdom of Aethelmearc Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

1171_Kingdom of Meridies_Canton of South Reach_Etain of the Ulaid_2019

1171_Etain of the Ulaid
from the Canton of South Reach, Kingdom of Meridies

this picture taken at Meridian Grand Tournament, September, 2019...Guntersville, AL
this picture used with kind permission of E. DeLacey

this picture taken at Black Axe Tournament, June, 2019...Dalwhinnie Fields, Sprott, AL
this picture used with kind permission of E. DeLacey

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

1170_Kingdom of Drachenwald_Shire of Thamesreach_Alistair Falsted_2019

1170_Alistair Falsted
from the Shire of Thamesreach_Principality of Insulae Draconis_Kingdom of Drachenwald

these pictures taken at fighter practice, January, 2020...London, England

these pictures used with kind permission of K. Sass

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

1169_Kingdom of Drachenwald_Shire of Thamesreach_Squire Katherine of Great Chesterford_2019/2015

Squire Katherine of Great Chesterford
from the Shire of Thamesreach, Principality of Insulae Draconis, Kingdom of Drachenwald

Sable, three mascles within a bordure Argent.

these pictures taken at fighter practice, January, 2019...London, England

these pictures used with kind permission of K. Sass

this picture taken at Raglan Faire, August, 2015...Raglan Castle, Wales
this picture used with kind permission of D. Louise

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at.