Monday, August 28, 2017

644_Kingdom of An-Tir_Shire of Southmarch_MAA Leonardis_2017

644_Man-at-Arms Leonardis
from the Shire of Southmarch, Principality of the Summits, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

643_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Adiantum_Skjaldar Thorsteinn_2017

643_Skjaldar Thorsteinn
from the Barony of Adiantum, Principality of the Summits, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

642_Kingdom of Ealdormere_Canton of Skeldergate_Squire Wiley_2017

642_Squire Wiley
from the Canton of Skeldergate_Kingdom of Ealdormere

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

641_Kingdom of An-Tir_Shire of Lionsdale_Bryntyeach MacQuarrie_2018/2017

641_Bryntyeach MacQuarrie
from the Shire of Lionsdale, Principality of Tir Righ, Kingdom of An-Tir

Per saltire Gules and Sable, a harp and in base a rose Or, barbed Vert.

this picture taken by me at Barony of Lions Gate Champions tournament, June, 2018...Warner Loat Park, Burnaby, B.C.

this picture taken at Sir Edwards Tournament, May, 2018...Nugents Corner, WA
this picture used with kind permission of S. Hadrath

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

this graphic used with kind permission of L. Klassen

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

640_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Wealdsmere_Gary_2017

from the Barony of Wealdsmere, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

639_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Stromgard_Duke, Sir Eirik Daegarsson_2017

639_Duke, Sir Eirik Daegarsson...(knighted 12 January, 2013)
from the Barony of Stromgard, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

638_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Three Mountains_Baron Sebastiaen des Roseaux_2020/2017

638_Baron Sebastiaen des Roseaux
from the Barony of Three Mountains, Kingdom of An-Tir

Per bend Azure and Sable, a pile bendwise throughout between a cup and a bee Argent.

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2020...Monroe, WA

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

this picture taken at a baronial Demo...January, 2017...Portland, OR
this picture used with kind permission of K. Hendricksen

this image from the Kingdom of An-Tir OP

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Friday, August 25, 2017

637_Kingdom of the West_Shire of the Mists_Viscount, Sir Ajax Thermopylokles_2017

637_Viscount, Sir Ajax Thermopylokles...(knighted 6 August, 2012)
from the Shire of the Mists, Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West

Per pale Or and Gules, a gorgons head cabossed counterchanged.

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

636_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Stromgard_Duke, Sir Morgan Claymore_2017

636_Duke, Sir Morgan Claymore...(knighted 14 February, 2004)
from the Barony of Stromgard, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

635_Kingdom of Avacal_Barony of Borealis_Sir Fergus of Carlisle_2020/2018/2017

635_Sir Fergus of Carlisle...(knighted 1 July, 2016)
from the Barony of Borealis, Kingdom of Avacal

Sable, on a pile between two rabbits combattant Argent, a grenade Sable.

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2020...Monroe, WA

this picture taken at Kingdom of Avacal Crown Tournament, February, 2018...St. Wembly, Alberta
this picture used with kind permission of S. Thibault

this picture taken at Barony of Montengarde Samhain Tournament, September 2017
this picture used with kind permission of S. Thibault

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2017...Monroe, WA

this image from the Kingdom of Avacal OP

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

634_Kingdom of Avacal_Barony of Borealis_Squire Grioffa RemesDottir_2017

634_Squire Grioffa Remesdottir
from the Barony of Borealis, Kingdom of Avacal

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament,  January, 2017...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

633_Kingdom of the East_Barony of Bhakail_Barris of Anglesey_2016

633_Barris of Anglesey
from the Barony of Bhakail, Kingdom of the East

this picture taken at the Battle on the Bay, September, 2016...Upper Marlboro, MD
this picture used with kind permission of B. Pollock

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

632_Kingdom of the West_Barony of Eskalya_Viscount, Sir Kenric Maur_2016

632_Viscount, Sir Kenric Maur...(knighted 17 April, 2010)
from the Barony of Eskalya, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West

Per chevron Argent and Or, a chevron ploye Gules between two ravens addorsed reguardant and a thor's hammer Sable.

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, June, 2016...Eagle River, AK
this picture used with kind permission of T. Thomas

this image from the Kingdom of the West Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

631_Kingdom of the West_Barony of Winters Gate_Viscount, Sir Duncan ap Llywellyn_2017/2015

631_Viscount, Sir Duncan ap Llywellyn...
from the Barony of Winters Gate, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West

Per pale Gules, Sable and Argent, in base two demi-wolves courant addorsed counterchanged.

this picture taken at Baroness's Champions Tournament,  September, 2017... Wasilla, AK
this picture used with kind permission of L. Coatney

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, July 2015...Kodiak, AK
 this picture used with kind permission of T. Thomas

this image from the Kingdom of the West Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

630_Kingdom of the West_Barony of Eskalya_Viscountess, Squire Dagmar the Red_2016

630_Viscountess, Squire Dagmar the Red
from the Barony of Eskalya, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, June, 2016...Eagle River, AK
this picture used with kind permission of T. Thomas

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

629_Kingdom of the West_Barony of Winters Gate_Hans Shaffer_2017

629_Hans Shaffer
from the Barony of Winters Gate, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West

Per chevron throughout Sable and Vert, two ravens respectant and a three headed dog rampant contourny Argent.

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, January, 2017...Wasilla, AK
this picture used with kind permission of T. Thomas

this image from the Kingdom of the West Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

628_Kingdom of the West_Barony of Selviergard_Viscount, Squire Fergus Mac Thomais OP_2020/2017

628_Viscount, Squire Fergus Mac Thomais OP
from the Barony of Selviergard, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West

Argent, a fess embattled-counterembattled Azure between two ravens Sable and a thistle proper.

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, January, 2020...Wasilla, AK
this picture used with kind permission of T. A. Thomas

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, January, 2017...Wasilla, AK
 this picture used with kind permission of  T. A. Thomas

this image from the Kingdom of the West Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers! 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

627_Kingdom of the West, Shire of Hrafnafjordr_Squire Hradthi Kottr_2020/2017

627_Squire Hradthi Kottr
from the Shire of Hrafnaffjordr, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West

Gules, a fess Sable, fimbriated between a domestic cat passant and three pheons Argent.

this picture taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, January, 2020...Wasilla, AK
this picture used with kind permission of T. A. Thomas

these pictures taken at Principality of Oertha Coronet Tournament, January, 2017...Wasilla, AK

these pictures used with kind permission of T. Thomas

this image from the Kingdom of the West Roll of Arms

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!