Friday, June 29, 2018

860_Kingdom of Meridies_Shire of Rising Stone_Squire Haldr Thorsson_2018

860_Squire Haldr Thorsson
from the Shire of Rising Stone, Kingdom of Meridies

these pictures taken at Menhir, January, 2018...Murfreesboro, TN

these pictures used with kind permission of K. Radford

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

859_Kingdom of Meridies_Shire of Glynn Rhe_Squire Geirmundr_2019/2018/2017

859_Squire Geirmundr
from the Shire of Glynn Rhe, Kingdom of Meridies

this picture taken at Meridian Grand Tournament, September, 2019...Gunthersville, AL
this picture used with kind permission of E. DeLacey

this picture taken at Menhir, January, 2018...Murfreesboro, TN
this picture used with kind permission of D. Chandler

this picture taken 'somewhere in Meridies'...2017
this picture used with kind permission of K. Radford

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

858_Kingdom of Meridies_Shire of Glynn Rhe_WyBjorn Grimm_2018

858_WyBjorn Grimm
from the Shire of Glynn Rhe, Kingdom of Meridies

this picture taken at Meridian Grand Tournament, September, 2019...Gunthersville, AL
this picture used with kind permission of E. DeLacey

these pictures taken at Menhir, January, 2018...Murfreesboro, TN

these pictures used with kind permission of D. Chandler

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Monday, June 25, 2018

857_Kingdom of Meridies_College of Phoenix Rising_Baron Bragg MacMorrichai_2018/2017/2016

857_Baron Bragg MacMorrichai
from the College of Phoenix Rising, Kingdom of Meridies

this picture taken at Menhir, January, 2018...Murfreesboro, TN
this picture used with kind permission of D. Chandler

this picture taken at Fools War, April. 2017...Macon, GA
this picture used with kind permission of K. Radford

this picture taken at Norsemans Summer Thing, June, 2016...Melsore, NY
this picture used with kind permission of B. MacMorrichai

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

856_Kingdom of An-Tir_Shire of Danescombe_MAA Michel der Niemand_2020/2019/2018

856_Man-at-Arms Michel der Niemand
from the shire of Danescombe, Principality of Tir-Righ, Kingdom of An-Tir

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2020...Monroe, WA

this picture taken by me at Baroness's Inspiration Tournament, November, 2019...Cloverdale, B.C.

this picture taken by me at Barony of Lions Gate Champions Tournament, June, 2018
...Warner Loat Park, Burnaby, B.C.

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

855_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Madrone_James Gifford_2018

855_James Gifford
from the Barony of Madrone, Kingdom of An-Tir

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas, January 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

854_Kingdom of the Middle_Barony of the Middle Marches_Squire Otto von Baden_2018

854_Squire Otto von Baden
from the Barony of the Middle Marches, Kingdom of the Middle

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Monday, June 18, 2018

853_Kingdom of Avacal_Barony of Myrgan Wood_Sir Korsak Guntherson_2019/2018

853_Sir Korsak Guntherson...(knighted 17 November, 2018)
from the Barony of Myrgan Wood, Kingdom of Avacal

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2019...Monroe, WA

this picture taken at Kingdom of Avacal Crown Tournament, February, 2018...St. Wembly, Alberta
this picture used with kind permission of S. Thibault  

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

852_Kingdom of An-Tir_College of Lyonsmarche_Sergeant Eachann na Beinne Leithe_2019/2018

852_Sergeant Eachann na Beinne Leithe
from the College of Lyonsmarche, Kingdom of An-Tir

Gules, a horse rampant to sinister within an annulet Or.

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2019...Monroe, WA

this picture taken at Honor War, April, 2018...Clarkston, WA
this picture used with kind permission of S. Painter 

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

this image from the Kingdom of An-Tir OP

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

851_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Lions Gate_Phealan_2018

from the Barony of Lions Gate, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Friday, June 15, 2018

850_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Aquaterra_Akamatsu Yokaze_2018

850_Akamatsu Yokaze
from the Barony of Aquaterra, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me a Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

849_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Wastekeep_Squire Nicholas Belmont_2018

849_Squire Nicholas Belmont
from the Barony of Wastekeep, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken at Honor War, April, 2018...Clarkston, WA
 this picture used with kind permission of S. Painter

this picture used with kind permission of H. Brown

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

848_Kingdom of Avacal_Barony of Myrgan Wood_Viscount, Sir Kvigr Ivarsson_2018

848_Viscount, Sir Kvigr Ivarsson...(knighted 23 February, 2008)
from the Barony of Myrgan Wood...Kingdom of Avacal

Gules, two piles inverted in point throughout Or between two chalices and a bull Argent.

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA this time Sir Kvigr was King of Avacal.

this image from the Kingdom of Avacal OP

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

847_Kingdom of Avacal_Barony of Borealis_Count, Sir Arnsbjorn Tieranson_2018

847_Count, Sir Arnsbjorn Tieranson...(knighted 15 July, 2006)
from the Barony of Borealis, Kingdom of Avacal

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

846_Kingdom of An-Tir_Canton of Port de l'Eau_Squire Viljahamr_2020/2018

846_Squire Viljahamir
from the Canton of Port de l'Eau, Kingdom of An-Tir

this picture taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2020...Monroe, WA

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Friday, June 8, 2018

845_Kingdom of An-Tir_Shire of Midhaven_Squire Donnell Davinson_2018

845_Squire Donnell Davinson
from the Shire of Midhaven, Kingdom of An-Tir

Vert, on a bend between a sword and an axe Argent, a spear Azure.

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

this image from the Kingdom of An-Tir OP

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

844_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Blatha an Oir_Squire Boketai_2018

844_Squire Boketai
from the Barony of Blatha an Oir, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

843_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Aquaterra_Squire Geoffrey Sanct Cruc_2018

843_Squire Geoffrey Sanct Cruc
from the Barony of Aquaterra, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken at Ursalmas, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

842_Kingdom of An-Tir_Barony of Wealdsmere_Sergeant / Squire Fleinn Hausakljufr_2020/2018

842_Sergeant / Squire Fleinn Hausakljufr
from the Barony of Wealdsmere, Kingdom of An-Tir

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2020...Monroe, WA

these pictures taken by me at Ursalmas Tournament, January, 2018...Monroe, WA

Thank you for visiting the Greate Book of Fighters project.
I invite other SCA folk to contribute as well. 
All Heavy Fighters and Combat Archers are welcome. 
Message me pictures (on FB) of yourself in armor, head to toe with your SCA name, home branch and the event name / geographic location the pictures were taken at. 
Three Cheers!